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What Does Circumcision Mean (Meaning) – 2023

If we come to the which means of the query of “What does the outer edge imply, the reason that circa şam is said as a beautiful eye in Kurdish is given within the continuation of our article

What does the periphery imply? What Does It Imply in Turkish

The Kurdish word Çavreşam method “My Black Eyes.

Kurdish The Turkish phrase for Çavreşam approach My Black Eyes.

The that means of the Kurdish word What Does Circleşam Mean is as written above

how to Say My Black Eyes in Kurdish?

The that means of our article called = My Black Eyes

Meaning of the Kurdish phrase Çav?

A Kurdish word, Çav

The meaning of the word robust> is understood as Eye, that may be, the word çav is known as Eye.

What does

Kurdish Çavreșo mean< /strong>?

What does çavreșo imply in Kurdish is known as black-eyed, the best way to say black-eyed in Kurdish?< /p>

KurdishNegri Çavreşamin what does it mean?

The meaning of the word negri çavreşam, that is a Kurdish phrase, is known as don’t cry my black eyes however in Turkish do not cry my black eyes how is Kurdish It is alleged as Negri’s Perimeteris stated

Word Rash = Black Method Black

Phrase of Mine = Meaning Me It’s coming

The word Çavreş = Manner Black Eyes

What does my brunette mean : i am brunette
< /p>

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